Welcome to your life-changing journey!

Would you like to have a strong and healthy body??

Do you dream about a fulfilling relationship??

Do you long for a life full of love and joy?

Do you want to live on purpose

How about dissolving your fears and beliefs

Can you imagine being full of life energy

Is financial success something you desire?




With my method of Shamanic Coaching, I have found a particularly gentle and effective way to achieve incredible and rapid results for my clients. After the initial consultation, I connect with the client's energy and perform a thorough cleansing. In addition to the powerful initial healing, I channel the information about which life issues and points can be healed to manifest my client's desires and dreams as quickly as possible.

Choose your path to a new life

Jump into your fulfilled Life!

I release your blockages so that you can start a new life full of joy, lightness, love, and fulfillment. 

Created by Potrace Professional 1.1m


single session

Are you already very experienced with energy work and know precisely what blocks your energy field?

Are you still at the beginning and would like to try energy work?

In both cases, a single session can make big changes. 

I scan your entire energy field for possible blockages and cleanse them during the two-hour individual session.

You decide for yourself if I dedicate your session to a theme or if I work intuitively. 

After just a single session, my clients report noticeable relief.

You will receive a voice message with the report of your results after your session.

Created by Potrace Professional 1.1m


1 month Shamanic Coaching

The Premium Package consists of three energy healing sessions, to make a significant change in your journey.

In this package I combine three energy healings:

• 1 holistic energy cleanse
• 1 karma cleanse
• 1 spiritual opening

Continuous support via Messenger throughout our collaboration.

You decide whether we work on a specific theme in this package, or I intuitively cleanse your energies and identify the themes.

The package is ideal for achieving small and medium goals. 

Created by Potrace Professional 1.1m


3 months Shamanic Coaching

eight energy-sessions, that will change your life entirely. 

This package is about supporting your transformation so that you can be the person you are meant to be. 

In addition to the benefits of the Premium Package, you will gain access to more profound energy work. 

I intuitively combine the methods that will take you to the next level:

• 1 holistic energy cleanse
• 1 karma cleanse
• 1 spiritual opening
• chakra-healings
• energetic spine healing
• channeling
• wish rituals
... and so much more

What my clients say:

Life-changing results

In my many years of experience in the "Shamanic Coaching" field, I have helped many people in their respective life situations and accompanied them on their journey into a new life. 

Anna, Pediatrician, Newark, CA trainee

"Since our first session together, I feel like I have been able to let go of some things, energetically and emotionally, that I have not been able to let go of in the past. This healing has allowed me to address, learn from and heal some of my traumas from the past and live confidently in my sense of self."

Gina, executive assistant, London, GB trainee

"I immediately felt a connection with Claudia. One that can't be explained but comes from deep within, a total trust. She is a loving sisterly and motherly figure all in one."

Martin, Ingenieur, Stuttgart, DE trainee

"Claudia was able to name (and resolve) many things that I had somehow darkly suspected; others were completely new to me."

Julia, Life Coach, Munich, DE Designation

"I had been living with depression for several years but had always kept it a secret and didn't tell Claudia either. I was really surprised that she found out. Two months later, I could stop my antidepressants, which I had been taking for ten years."

Richard, Managing Director, Munich, DE Designation

"After the cleanse, I felt a big weight had fallen off me. My basic mood is much more open and positive; I laugh a lot and enjoy my life more. I also feel that my spiritual horizon has opened up much more."

Martha, Logistics Specialist, Berlin, DE Designation

"I didn't know what to expect from our session, and everything that came up resonated with me. It all made sense. Many things in my life made more sense afterward. Claudia also gave me tools to take from this session into my everyday life."

Anita, Kindergarten Teacher, Linz, AT Designation

"Most of all, I've benefited from her pouring a can of confidence into my being that I can now feel and carry with me everywhere, and for which I am very grateful."

Herbert, Vice President, Cologne, DE Designation

"Whether more will come of it, you can see without stress - in any case, it feels good. I now regularly book cleanings with Claudia, even for my business."


That's me!

I am Claudia Kreischer, Shamanic Coach and trainer for people like you who want to develop personally, reach their goals, or change something. 

My professional path led me to Munich, where I found a new home with my partner.

And the beautiful things that make my life colorful let me gather new experiences that flow into the work with you.

Yoga, meditation, (almost) all kinds of spiritual experiences, nature, reading, cooking, gardening, being by the sea or in the mountains, traveling at all, relaxing and enjoying time with my partner...

certified Business-Coach and Trainer

Reiki-Level III-Practitioner

Psychic Transformation Therapist
