I am very open about the fact that I drink ayahuasca. She is the most important teacher on my personal development path. She has taken me by the hand, educated me, and shown me my path. I see her as my mentor and as a force that can work wonders on the path of self-healing.
Today I would like to answer the questions I often encounter on the subject.
Do you always drink ayahuasca when you work?
No, I never drink ayahuasca in my work. I drink the medicine only in a protected setting and exclusively for personal development. Through my close connection with the spirit of medicine, I can connect with its power in a deep trance and channel it into my healings. My clients thus benefit from her power without drinking it themselves. Sometimes she takes over the treatments and gives the person what I call a whole ceremony. These are beautiful, deeply healing sessions. I am her channel; she chooses who receives this gift.
Do you like drinking ayahuasca?
Honestly, even after many ceremonies, I still find it strange to drink a psychedelic substance. I have no experience with other mind-altering substances (except alcohol), so it's hard to compare the effect. For a long time, loss of control was a difficult issue for me. Once I learned to stop fighting the force working in me in the ceremony, the very challenging sessions were suddenly relatively easy. My realization was that when I trust and surrender to the process, it becomes easier.
What is the effect of ayahuasca?
The ceremonies are very individual. Most often, the participants perceive the effect of the medicine through their preferred channels of perception. Thus, a visual person would see many images, while someone more connected to the audio channel might hear voices. But again, these are just guidelines. I started out seeing patterns and sensing a lot. Since I'm somewhat clairvoyant, that's where the information came from. I just knew it. Only after many ceremonies, I opened the optical channel further so that today in my daily work, I can see pictures, sometimes even whole movies.
Do you vomit in every ceremony?
No, I may purify myself in another way! My first ceremonies had a strong physical effect. I was allowed to release a great deal through the channel of vomiting, and frankly, that was not easy work. Since then, however, I have not had to vomit. My cleansing is mainly done through strong yawning, muscle contraction, and relaxation.
Can I order ayahuasca online?
This is something I do not recommend to anyone! If not practiced in the right setting, the sacred work with medicine can be dangerous. When you drink ayahuasca, your consciousness opens up, and you come into contact with the spiritual world. In this very vulnerable openness, you are naturally open to negative energies. Therefore, one of the basic rules is to drink ayahuasca only with an experienced shaman who can direct the energies in the ceremony and protect you from dark energies.
Is ayahuasca legal?
The medicine on everyone's lips comprises two plants, the Ayahuasca vine, and the Chacruna bush. Chacruna contains DMT. Therefore, this combination falls under the narcotics law in Germany. If medicine is offered without Chacruna (i.e., only the vine), it is not psychedelic nor prohibited. There are retreat providers in Germany who work with pure ayahuasca vine.
I drink ayahuasca only in Spain or Peru because the legal situation is different, and therefore legal consumption is possible.
Can you recommend a safe place to drink?
Yes, I know excellent addresses. I will gladly send recommendations by e-mail.
Is it possible that I am overdosing?
If you use the plant responsibly, drink in a safe environment, and prepare well for your ceremony, an overdose is hardly possible. However, it may be that you react very intensively and catch a so-called "heroic can." This can be challenging. But you can trust that you will always get precisely what you can stand for. Ayahuasca knows exactly what you need.
Can everyone drink ayahuasca?
I recommend that anyone who hears the call should drink. However, it should be clarified in advance whether there are medical reasons against it. For example, it is an absolute NO-GO to take antidepressants. In the worst case, this can be fatal. Physical and mental illnesses should be clarified in advance with a doctor.
What do I do if I can't stand it?
Another reason why the choice of provider is so important. There may well be overwhelming reactions in the ceremony. Then other experienced facilitators must support you besides the shaman.
I have had the best experiences focusing on my breath in such situations. Also, the intention set can act like a lighthouse in that darkness. Remember why you went into the ceremony. Focus on the outcome and surrender to the process with confidence.
Do you have any questions that I haven't answered here?
Feel free to reach out via the contact form!
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